Dead Cluster Flies in House

So you are finding out that you have dead cluster flies and you do not know what to do. The bad news is that all the dead cluster flies are still a sign that you still have a cluster fly issue and that you will need to get rid of these flies as well as all the living ones that keep coming into your home so how do you resolve this issue and what do you do about the dead cluster flies that keep piling up day by die. First, before we tackle this issue we need to know what cluster flies actually are because a lot of people seem to have them confused with a regular house fly.

If you see dead cluster flies, the chances are that you have multiple cluster flies in your house to even a colony of these flies. If you want to get rid of these flies hire the professionals from The Exterminators Peterborough.

The cluster fly, also known as the attic fly is a type of fly that has a habit of clustering around the window. This specifically concerns the attic hence the name attic fly. These attic flies are known to go into the attic because of the environment it offers the flies because of what they came to look for. Attic flies or cluster flies will invade the attic with a few other flies because they will go there to overwinter.

The attic offers the perfect conditions for flies to overwinter and this will usually take place in the early spring. These flies can be recognized by their size and the way that they fly. They are known to fly a bit slower than regular flies and have a habit of making a loud buzzing sound. These cluster flies are very benign meaning that they do not do anyone harm, but that they are mostly known for being a nuisance. Interestingly, they do not breed nor reproduce in the attic.

Here is some basic information about the cluster flies. The cluster flies are herbivores and are known to eat earthworms when they are larvae. What happens is that the cluster flies will leave their eggs in the soil where the earthworm is present and when the larvae hatch it will eat from the earthworm. In the adult stage of the cluster flies, these flies become herbivores and will mostly feed on vegetables and other types of flowers as well.  The average lifespan of a cluster fly is about 27 days to 39 days long.

So now that you know a bit more about the cluster flies, what is the next step to take in order to get rid of these flies? The first thing that needs to be done is to vacuum these flies up and clean the windows. The reason why these flies are getting in is that there are gaps in the window sill and these need to be caulked properly.

Next, is to hang up a fly trap to make sure these cluster flies do not cluster near the window. There happens to be a mix of vinegar, soap, and some liquid soap. Cluster flies are attracted to the smell and will become tangled because of the dish soap.

If you think the situation is out of control, the best solution is to hire licensed and insured professionals to make sure they will be gone for good. Call 705-535-0854