How do Mice Get in Basement

How do Mice Get in Basement

Mice are a serious infestation that can cause incredible danger for anyone who has them in their house. One of the primary dangers is mouse feces which carries many diseases and viruses like Hantavirus as well as Staph which can make you very sick if you accidentally consume it. What is worse is, like all rodents, they need to chew on things to get their incisor teeth shaved down or they will keep growing through their mouth. This can result in them chewing through things like electrical wires and causing a fire inside of the wall which is not an easy place to access for the fire department. 

Mice entryways

Mice that live in your home are not native to this continent. They are European house mice that have evolved along with humans for thousands of years. As they grew and adapted to us they also lost access to basic traits that wild mice still have. Things like climbing and jumping. Because of these mice need to enter a home through the base of the house and they do this by accessing or creating foundation gaps, open wall vents and plumbing or electrical vents. This sort of access can get them into the first floor of a house but often they start their infestation in the basement.

how do mice get in basement
Mice will hide on the outside of the property for days searching for an entryway. They may get lucky and find an open back door or an open wall vent. If not they will slowly chew away damaged foundation or siding, vinyl being especially easy to penetrate until they make their own entryway.

Mice reproductive rate 

From there they can use their powerful reproductive ability to fill the house with mice. As the population grows they move up the house and can infest floor after floor until they are infesting the attic of the house as well. They can do this because from insemination to birth is only three or four weeks. Baby mice have fur when they are born and in one week they are already travelling around to find food. One week after that they are ready to leave the nest and begin mating with other mice and starting the process over again. That means that in just a few months you could go from one pregnant mouse entering your home to a hundred. 

Professional mouse treatment 

This is the reason why you need to get professional treatment. Snap traps, capture traps and glue traps can only catch one mouse at a time. Glue traps may catch as many as three or four but either way, the process is too slow and their ability to reproduce will be faster than your ability to catch them. Calling a professional exterminator will change the way the mice are killed. 

Commercial grade rodenticide 

The exterminator will inspect for areas of high activity and lay down tamper-proof bait stations that contain a commercial-grade poison called rodenticide. This poison acts on the vitamin K in their bodies to dehydrate them. They will feel sick and thirsty and either leave the house to look for water or return to their nests in the walls where they desiccate fully losing all smell and moisture. This process is safer for a family with small children and pets as snap traps can do far more damage than rodenticide can when eaten by a much larger mammal and will allow all the mice in the house to feed on it at the same time. In a short time, you will have no mice in your house at all.