
Health Problems Caused by Mouse Infestation

Although mice can look very nice and innocent these animals are actually a vector species of disease carrying over 35 diseases and more with them all the time. These can be transferred by feces, urine, and saliva through direct and indirect exposure. The most common disease virus that is spread is called the Hantavirus and can cause the Hantavirus Pulmonary Disease. Mice infestations can put people in grave danger by mere exposure to feces and urine and therefore it is important that you know what the risks are as many people just believe mice to be just a nuisance.  Read on to find out what health problems mice can cause through a mouse infestation.


As mentioned before, the hantavirus can be a fatal virus that can expose people to life threatening disease such as the Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. People who are exposed to their contaminated feces, urine, or saliva can experience symptoms such as fever, coughing, headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing and more! If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, contact a medical professional right away


Is a food-borne condition that is caused by mice eating from your food. Symptoms can range from diarrhea, fever, abdominal pains, and overall discomfort. It is very important that you store your food or products in a sealed container in a refrigerated space. Mice will take advantage of the space and will take trips to the kitchen throughout the night.

Rat-Bite Fever (RBF)

Rat-Bite Fever is a zoonotic illness caused by a bacteria in North America that is mainly known by (streptobacilli RB. This disease is often caused by eating contaminated food that is also eaten by rodents. The symptoms are manifested through a very high rising temperature characterized by a fever. Symptoms are also headaches, vomiting, rash, and muscle pains. Symptoms may appear 3-10 days after exposure.

If you notice droppings around your home, see the shredded paper, or smell an odd smell, you might have a mouse infestation. Professional exterminators are equipped with the right tools and rodenticides to make sure that they can take care of the rodents in a swift manner. Professionals will first conduct a detailed interior and exterior inspection to determine areas of high rodent activity and to understand mouse movement between the interior and exterior. They will also make no of vulnerable points throughout the property. Once these areas have been determined, the technicians will strategically place tamper-proof bait stations laced with rodenticides. After rodent activity has ceased, technicians will then move on to proofing to make sure these mice stay out for good.  If you need professional services done, call us!