Do I Have Fleas in my Home

Do I Have Fleas in my Home? Signs of a Flea Infestation

Fleas are stubborn pests that can appear when you least expect them. Like a curse, they infest your pest out of nowhere, then they are hard to get rid of because their eggs can survive for months without food. If you suspect that your pet is suffering from a flea infestation, contact a veterinarian immediately. For effective removal around the house, give us a call. We provide effective flea control in Peterborough and beyond.

Fleas spread from one animal to the next. They have powerful legs that let them jump 13 inches – 200 times their own body length – into the air and onto their next host. Because fleas feed solely on animal blood, they depend on their hosts for survival and stay near them. Fleas can be found nestled in their host’s fur or hopping around in the animal’s bedding.

Here are some common signs of a flea infestation:

  • Excessive grooming and hair loss. Pets that are infested with fleas may scratch, bite, and lick themselves excessively. Some pets are allergic to fleas and may lose fur from grooming themselves too much.
  • Tiny brown insects in the pet’s fur. Spreading and examining your pet’s fur to see their skin beneath may reveal tiny brown insects. This is the most telling sign of a flea problem.
  • Fleas in pet bedding and upholstery. Fleas may be found in your pet’s bedding, carpets, and upholstered furniture where your pet rests.

While fleas get around by jumping from host to host, their eggs can survive on the ground for a long time. This can make it difficult to tell whether the infestation has been solved or not. Eggs can fall off the host and end up between floorboards or deep in upholstered furniture. A week or two later, a flea will grow into an adult, but it can stay in its cocoon for up to 5 months, waiting for an animal to jump on. Fleas can sense an animal’s vibrations and the carbon dioxide that it exhales.

How to Get Rid of Fleas

Bring your pet to a veterinarian as soon as you suspect that they have fleas. The veterinarian will prescribe a medication that will get rid of the pests very quickly. This usually comes in the form of an ointment or cream that you put onto your pet’s neck, where they cannot lick it off. The treatment contains a chemical that spreads into your pet’s sebaceous glands and across its skin, which then attacks the fleas’ nervous systems and eliminates them.

To get rid of the fleas around the house, you will need to vacuum thoroughly. Vacuum the floors, baseboards, carpets, and furniture. Clean up everywhere to catch every possible egg and larvae. Wash your pet’s bedding and toys at the highest possible temperature. Then, take care of the yard outside. Mow the lawn, rake leaves, and trim your shrubs to reduce the number of possible hiding spots. Like floorboards, fleas will hide in shady, overgrown areas then infest your pet again.

Finally, call a pest control company to ensure that there are no eggs left behind. A technician will spray hiding spots to eliminate any remaining fleas and help prevent them from coming back. He or she can also treat your backyard so that your pet is safe to go outside. Call us today for effective flea solutions in Peterborough and the surrounding area.